(20/7/16) "Eschatology: analysis and perspectives" is the topic of the 6th International Congress of high scientific level that the Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation is organizing in Rome, after the congress held last year in Madrid at the Francisco de Vitoria University on "La oración, fuerza que cambia el mundo” (The prayer and the power to change the world). The Congress will be held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and the scientific meeting will be from 24th to 26th November.
After the final promulgation of the Statute of the Foundation by Pope Francis in 2014, this is a way to realize what the Pope had written in the Evangelii Gaudium, that is "Universities are outstanding environments for articulating and developing this evangelizing commitment in an interdisciplinary and integrated way".
In the next days the programme with the speakers and the information to subscribe will be available.