Presentation of the volume on Deus caritas est with cardinal Koch in the Vatican City

cop. Atti Deus caritas est

(18/4/16) The second meeting promoted by Ratzinger’s Library, with the presentation of the volume Deus caritas est. Porta di misericordia – Proceedings of the International Symposium for the 10th anniversary of the Encyclical - collecting the Proceedings of the International Symposium dedicated to the first encyclical of Benedict XVI – will be held on 26th April at 6.15 p.m. in the hall of the Teutonic Cemetery named after Benedict XVI, in the Vatican City. The International Symposium was held in Rome on 19th - 20thNovember 2015.

After the greetings of Hans-Peter Fischer, rector of the Pontifical Teutonic College of Santa Maria in Campo Santo, and an introduction of Father Ralph Weimann, editor of the book with Msgr. Markus Graulich, cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and member of the Scientific Committee of the Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation, will make a speech on “Deus caritas est – Chiave musicale del pensiero teologico e del Pontificato di Benedetto XVI”. The conclusions of the meeting will be assigned to Msgr. Stefan Heid, Director of the Roman Institute of the Society of Goerres and of Ratzinger’s Library.

Those wishing to attend the presentation are kindly asked to send an e-mail to the following address:


Cardinal Kurt Koch