Congress on “Nostra aetate”, 9th November, Lateran University

lateranense, 9.XI

(16/10/15) “A lasting alliance – Nostra aetate, the long way from the 4th Lateran Council to the 2nd Vatican Council (1215 – 1965 – 2015)” is the topic of the Congress promoted by the Chair for the Theology of the People of God at the Pontifical Lateran University. It will be held on 9th November in Rome at Lateran University, Pius XI hall. It will start at 4,30 p.m.

After the greetings by Msgr. Renzo Gerardi, pro-rector of Lateran University, the speeches of Mordechay Lewy, already Israeli ambassador at the Holy See, the Reverend Michael P. Maier, professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Reverend Achim Buckenmaier, professor at the Pontifical Lateran University will follow. The meeting will be delighted by the Choir of the Lateran University, directed by Rocco Salemme.