(22/10/15) An exhibition dedicated to the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council is open until 8th December in the Church of the Teutonic Cemetery in the Vatican City. It was organized 50 years after the end of the Council and it can be visited every day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The exhibition hosts pictures and books in German language and it gives great attention to some protagonists of the Council: one of them was Joseph Ratzinger, the last Pope, who participated in the II Vatican Council. Moreover, Ratzinger stayed at the Pontifical Teutonic College at the Cemetery in 1982, he is member of the Arch-confraternity Saint Mary of the Mercy from 1982 and member of the Roman Institute of the Society of Görres at the Teutonic College.
Visitors will be provided with the book “Erneuerung in Christus. Das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil (1962-1965)” about the exhibition.