(22/1/16) Over 9 thousand “likes” in a week welcomed the Facebook page of the Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation, launched on 14th January at 7 p.m.
Who are the visitors and where do they come from? 40 per cent are female and 60 per cent are male visitors. The first country is Brazil, with over 3 thousand visits and one thousand more than Italy. Then there are Mexico, United States, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Perù, Philippines, France. It is interesting that there are also visits from Vietnam, China, Guatemala, Nigeria, Chile, Ghana, Laos, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Taiwan, Japan, Pakistan and New Zealand.
Those wishing to visit the page, with over 40 thousand visits, can click on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/Fondazione-Vaticana-Joseph-Ratzinger-Benedetto-XVI-566735950151496/