Interreligious dialogue and ecclesiology in Ratzinger's thought


(14/7/16) In “Nouvelle revue théologique”, an  important magazine edited by the jesuits at the Theology Faculty of Brussels (number 138 , July-September) two books regarding the studies Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI made have been recommended. The first book, whose title is “Le dialogue interreligieux chez Joseph Ratzinger” , was written by Vincent Guibert. It is about interreligious dialogue and it was published by Parole et Silence. It refers to the most important texts the emeritus Pope dedicated to the topic of interreligious dialogue and it gives the readers the possibility to deal with these texts in a clear and simple way. The second book “Joseph Ratzinger et l’Église”, was written by the nun Dominique Waymel and it is about ecclesiology. According to the editor of the magazine, father G. de Longcamp csj, the author effectively describes  Ratzinger's works, reminding that there are no monographies on ecclesiology available in the French context .These two precious volumes will certainly have an appropriate place in Ratzinger's Library at the Teutonic College.