Congress on post-council Ecclesiology of Joseph Ratzinger


(4/12/15) “The Church and the world. Post-council Ecclesiology of Joseph Ratzinger- Benedict XVI” is the topic of the conference organized by the Ratzinger Study Centre of Bydgoszcz, with the support of the Papst Benedikt XVI Institute of Regensburg and the Theology Faculty of Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń. This University will host the meeting, that will be held on 10th December. Among the participants there will be: reverend professor Krzysztof Góźdź, from the Catholic University of Lublin, who will report on “Theology of the primacy according to Joseph Ratzinger- Benedict XVI, reverend professor Mirosław Mróz, on “The Gospel of Hope: the message of Benedict XVI for the Church and the world”, and Christian Schaller, head of the Papst Benedikt XVI Institute of Regensburg, who will report on “The Ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council in Ratzinger’s works.