(13/11/15) From the Teutonic College to the Augustinian Patristic Institute. A lot of people decided to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Library Biblioteca Romana Joseph Ratzinger – Benedetto XVI, that will be held on 18th November at 5 p.m. So, the lectio magistralis of cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council of Culture, will be held in a different place. The lectio, on the topic “From the Bible to the Library – Benedict XVI and the Culture of the Word of God”, will be held in the main hall of the Augustinian Patristic Institute in Rome (via Paolo VI, 25), next to St. Peter’s Square. At the end of the conference, participants will go to the Pontifical Teutonic College, in the Vatican City, to visit the Library.